Friday, March 20

From Bette, Friday 3/20

Dear Families,
I've been inundated with Corona Virus emails!! I assume you have been, too.
Some of the stuff from Karen and Sup Swift have good links in them. Just skim past their lofty intros. My suggestion is to go to Karen's first. Sometimes she is repeating the same stuff because we want everyone to have access to the info. I worry some of you won't get the info because it's sooo much, so here is a bullet list of stuff I don't want you to miss
Swift's/Karen's emails for info on
  • Food for children
  • access to technology. They're passing out Chromebooks. If you're working remotely from home and it's hard to share with your kids, consider it. One of the suggested criteria is "I share my device with 3 or more people." Distribution is tomorrow. Technology help line for parents 734 997-1222
  • Lots of links for info and resources
We're up to 16 students on the Google Classroom. This will facilitate me in communicating with the class and creating activities for them. It has a "Stream" feature which allows live chats with the class. Right now kids are popping up randomly. I will be setting times we can try to be together for chats and discussions. 

I am also getting better at Google Meets, which allows video chats, by practicing with Denise and my daughter. I will set times to meet.

If it is difficult for you to get you child on these platforms, or you prefer not to, please let me know.  I am responding to parents or kids who email me individually. 
