Monday, September 24

Picture Day, Permission slips and Early release.

Dear Families,

The permission slip Reggie needs in order to video record himself teaching is attached to the email I sent today. We'd appreciate if you signed it and turned it in. Let us know if you need a hard copy.

TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY!!  Unfortunately we have gym first thing in the morning. We will have some time after PE to relax and primp if needed for the pictures. We are signed up for 10:50am.

We are sending hard copy permission slips home for the trip to De Buck's on Wed. October 3. Please enter your child's name, sign it and return it.

WEDNESDAY IS EARLY RELEASE!! School gets out at 12:52. There is no child care offered at school. Everyone is getting professionally developed. 


Friday, September 21

Greetings from Bette

Greetings, Families of Bette's Class,

It was great to see so many of you last week at curriculum night. The info I shared with you is posted on the class blog. The link is attached to my email signature to make it easy for you to access. You can also just google "Bette's Class Notes to Families."
Today was our first Community Gatherings. We focused on International Peace Day. In addition we talked about the 17 Sustainability Goals in class.
Yesterday we had an author, Elizabeth Eulberg, visit the 3/4 classes. She has a series written for middle grade readers (us), Shelby Holmes, about a girl detective. She talked to the kids about what it takes to write a book, including many drafts and revisions!

In math we are working on Problem Solving and Place Value. 3rd grade students should know the value of digits in numbers into the ten thousands and 4th graders should know into the hundred thousands. We play a game called Guess-Digit-Place. Your child may be able to play it with you. Students should be familiar with different forms of numbers including standard form (23,987), expanded form (20,000+3000+900+80+7) and word form in which you write the number out in words.
This coming Wednesday, September 26, will be an Early Release Day. School will end at 12:52. Students will still have lunch at school.

We have scheduled a fall field trip to DeBuck's Corn Maze Wednesday, October 3rd from 10:00-2:00. We will be going together with Tracey's class. Watch for permission slips next week.
Our drinking fountain in the classroom is paltry. Some of the kids are pretty good about bringing water bottles to school. We can fill them at the drinking fountain near the cafeteria so it is helpful if kids do bring in water bottles.

         The first round of conferences will be Tuesday, October 9. Conferences include student, parent and teacher. They are scheduled for 20 minutes.  We use this time to help set goals with your student. A goal sheet for you to fill out was passed out on curriculum night and is also available on the pages section of the blog. I will assist students in completing a form with a similar format in class.  Students should attend the conference with you so they can participate in setting their own goals with your support. Some areas to consider include Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Listening, Speaking, Science, Social Studies, Social Development or Work Habits. 

On a humor side, one day the kids came in with muddy feet and got the rug all muddy.  I said,
"Do your parents let you come into the living with mud all over you shoes?" and several of the kids answered yes! Hmmm.

Thursday, September 13

Welcome Back, 2018

Bette’s Class
Welcome Back to School!
August 24, 2018

Dear Families,

   I hope you have had a great summer! I am so excited about seeing my returning families and getting to know new families and students; sharing our summer stories!
   During the first weeks we pay special attention to developing a sense of community as we establish our class routines and get to know one another. Reggie Hartman will join us as a student teacher for the first semester. He has worked in the district as a Teacher’s Aide, and he is earning his teacher’s certification. Watch for his upcoming letter of introduction.
   It can be a positive ritual to prepare for the school year gathering supplies and setting up new routines after the summer. I recommend:
ü  A backpack or bag for carrying notes papers and lunches.
ü  A book of interest for reading time.
As far as other supplies go, we have a classroom supply of writing utensils and paper. Pencils, colored pencils, markers and pens are fine to bring, but not required. A labeled pencil box can help a student keep writing utensils in order. With the free movement in class, pencils can travel a lot!
   We provide good quality spiral notebooks as “Learner Logs” for general notes, practice and reflection. In addition, we supply Composition notebooks as “Writer’s Notebooks” for collecting ideas and experimenting with writing prompts. You and your child may choose to pick up a special one to bring in if you wish. Ownership is important for a successful “Writer’s Notebook”.     
   Well-rested children who eat a good breakfast and make it to school on time will be their best at school. Rest, nourishment and being on time seem simple, but they really support a child in getting through the school day happily and productively!
You can help the kids keep their motors running during class by providing snacks. One box of crackers a month per family is our basic snack. However, our lunchtime is tends to be late, roughly 5 hours since breakfast!! You may want to pack extra snack for your child. We will discuss snack more on curriculum night.
   I like to collect the blue transportation cards. They help me to know where each child is going after school. You can email the info to me if you want. It’s also a great idea to keep a copy of your child’s after school schedule in his or her backpack.    
                                Bette Diem
                                Room 237
PS. Please share my letter to kids with your child! Thanks
PPS. Here are the answers to the riddles in the kids’ letter:
A: A towel A: Your age A: Your name  A: A Secret.

Hi KIds

Bette’s Class Notes
August 24, 2018

Hi kids,
I want to welcome new students to my class and tell returning students how excited I am to see you!
I hope your summer was great. It can be hard to see it end, but we can all look forward to a new school year with our favorite events, old and new friends, and active and fun learning.
Every new school year is a fresh start supported by the familiar. We’ll start the year with some fun games and good stories as we get to know each other and learn new school day routines.  I hope you are excited about starting a new grade, with new friends and old friends. 
         Bring a book you are reading on the first day of school!
         We will be using Learning Logs and Writer’s Notebooks. I will give them to you when you come to school. If you like, you could bring your own special journal to use.

Do you like riddles? Here are some, just for fun. See my note to parents for answers.

Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
Q: What goes up and doesn’t come back down?
Q: What belongs to you but is used more by others?
         Q: If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

         Enjoy your last days of vacation and start looking forward to an exciting school year!
                  See you soon!
Room 237