Thursday, November 15

Update for Field Trip

Dear Families,

We're all set and excited for our  field trip tomorrow! All the permission slips are in, yay!

One adjustment. we will not go swimming before leaving after all. The drive is 1 hour and 48 minutes, so we should leave by 8:40 to get there by 10:30 for our program. So, if looks like we will gather for attendance and load the bus!
Chaperones include  Molly, Dina, Carola, Jill,  Andrew H. plus Heidi
Make sure the kids:
  • bring a lunch and water bottle
  • dress for the weather (High of 39, possible snow in the am)
  • bring a bag or back pack for lunch and outerwear/

Another thing I forgot to mention in my last note is that we will be going to Project Lead The Way (PLTW) at the end of the day every day until Winter break. We will dismiss from PTLW, room 109, so we will go all packed up.

Tuesday, November 13

Field Trip this Friday!!

Dear Families,

I'm excited for the big trip on Friday to the Wolf Lake Hatchery to pick up our salon eggs!  We sent the permission slips home last Friday. (Margaret watched each one go into its backpack, wink, wink). We  have a majority of the permission slips in.  Second chance permission slips were passed out today to the 8 that are still out. Here's the agenda for Friday:

8:30 Swimming
9:15 Load the bus, snack served on the bus
10:30-12:00  Tour of the hatchery
12:00- Lunch, tour museum and show pond
1:30 load bus
3:00 arrive at AAO

Children should BRING A LUNCH. They should be dressed comfortably for the weather. The children can bring a "purged" backpack to keep their lunch, extra clothing and a book or notebook in.

We have some individual packets of cheeze crackers for the bus ride. I would love it if someone could send in some juice boxes. I have one "G" rated movie for the bus ride. We need one more.

Confirmed chaperones so far are Lynn, Dina, Carola. Heidi will be with us. There's room for one or two more. If you are interested let me know!

Multicultural festival is coming up. Today we voted to study "People of the Great Lakes"! It's a rich topic and I am sure everyone will be able to find a topic of interest. We're already talking about making the entrance to our room the St. Lawrence Seaway and making Niagara Falls with the Welland Canal going by it. I am reading "Death and Life of the Great Lakes," by Dan Egan right now, and the first chapter has a great outline of the history of human interaction with this magnificent resource. In addition, through SEMIS place-based education coalition I have met an incredible historian who has researched and studied the true histories of the early people who lived around the Great Lakes before the Europeans arrived. There's also a lot to consider about, not just the past, but the future. You'll be hearing more as we get into it.

I'm working on report cards. Expect them to come home next Tuesday.


Bette Diem, Teacher

Friday, November 2

Notes from Bette

Dear Families,

We survived Halloween . Thanks to all of the parents who sent in treats and came in to help with the parade and festivities.
I so enjoy I-Search presentations! We've had students share what they've learned and show their expertise about a wide array of topics, from the periodic table to the human body to Halloween and Football, just to name a few. The presentations are well done and the kids are proud to share their work. Thanks so much for helping.

As I mentioned on Curriculum Night the I-Searches are about process and love of learning. I've had some questions about due dates. I see the "due dates" as training wheels, just to help the kids learn how to have a target date. When they are older they may have consequences for their grade, etc. Through I-Searches, they will have learned how to handle it without pressure.

Reggie has done some literature lessons with the kids on Tall Tales and writing Circle Stories. In math we are continuing with addition and subtraction with 3rd grade and factors and multiples with fourth grade. The kids are making acrostics with the math terms "Sum" and "Factors," to help them retain the meaning. These are terms I have noticed that they learn in the moment, but cannot define later on, so we are trying to get the meaning to stick by creating acrostics with them. Today we are constructing line graphs with our Halloween Candy data.

Speaking of Reggie, next week is his last week with us. He has a job teaching in Wayne-Westland already. Next Friday we will have a farewell party with him.

Here are some upcoming events:
Remember, next Tuesday- No School for Election Day.
Next Wednesday, Nov. 7 we have a UMS field trip to Hill auditorium to see Jake Shimabukuro, an amazing virtuoso ukulele player. I have 3 tickets for chaperones. Here's a link to his website.
Permission slips are coming home today.

I am really excited to announce that I have arranged a field trip to take the class with me to pick up the salmon eggs this year! We will be traveling by charter bus to Wolf Lake Hatchery in Matatawan on Friday, November 16. We will still swim, then we will board the bus. We will tour the hatchery and visitor's center. More details upcoming. Here's a link to the visitor's center.,4570,7-350-79136_79236_80247_80504_82189---,00.html

Don't forget the time change this weekend.

Friday, October 5

Geology Field Trip, I-Searches

Dear Families,

We had a blast at DeBucks'. Each child got a pumpkin, donuts and cider and a free pass to return this fall.

Next week we have our Geology field trip on Friday, October 12. We will go to the Fox Preserve Gravel Pit to study rocks and minerals and geologic formation. I am sending the permission slip home today.

Yesterday we filled out contracts for I-Search projects. There is information about them on the blog. Please go over the contract with your child and discuss his or her plan. You can make any changes needed to make the project successful for your child. I encourage children to stretch beyond the typical poster. The blog info lists many possibilities. The due dates are set to be around the last week of October. By encouraging children to select a due date we help them to plan out their work. I-Search projects are about the process and satisfaction of learning about something you are interested in. Support your child in having a good time on this project. Fourth graders who already participated in I-Searches look forward to them and express their enthusiasm. This is one of the goals.

After negotiating with your child, sign it and return it to me so I know, you know the plan.

Looking forward to starting book groups next week. I have 7 volunteers, so the groups are small enough to be fun and meaningful.

I am re-sending the attached permission slip (found in the email) for Reggie to video tape his lesson.  He has received a few, but would appreciate more if possible. We will not include students who are already on the no photos list for the school unless you give specific permission. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 2

DeBucks' Corn Maze and Book Groups

Greetings Families,

De Bucks' Corn maze

Just a reminder that we are going to DeBuck's Corn Maze tomorrow! Make sure your child is dressed for the weather (and possible mud). Also make sure your child has a SACK LUNCH. If you want to use your lunch box, we will try to keep track so they come back.😀
So far I have Carola, Amelia's mom and Melissa, Cole's mom, and Giedra, Astas' mom. Please email me if you want to come.

Book Groups
I'd like to begin Book groups next week. Six parents signed up to help with Book groups on curriculum night, but now I need to know if Wednesday's, 8:30-9:15 will work for you. Please let me know if you can make a commitment to read novels with a small group on Wednesday mornings so I can build the groups.

Monday, September 24

Picture Day, Permission slips and Early release.

Dear Families,

The permission slip Reggie needs in order to video record himself teaching is attached to the email I sent today. We'd appreciate if you signed it and turned it in. Let us know if you need a hard copy.

TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY!!  Unfortunately we have gym first thing in the morning. We will have some time after PE to relax and primp if needed for the pictures. We are signed up for 10:50am.

We are sending hard copy permission slips home for the trip to De Buck's on Wed. October 3. Please enter your child's name, sign it and return it.

WEDNESDAY IS EARLY RELEASE!! School gets out at 12:52. There is no child care offered at school. Everyone is getting professionally developed. 


Friday, September 21

Greetings from Bette

Greetings, Families of Bette's Class,

It was great to see so many of you last week at curriculum night. The info I shared with you is posted on the class blog. The link is attached to my email signature to make it easy for you to access. You can also just google "Bette's Class Notes to Families."
Today was our first Community Gatherings. We focused on International Peace Day. In addition we talked about the 17 Sustainability Goals in class.
Yesterday we had an author, Elizabeth Eulberg, visit the 3/4 classes. She has a series written for middle grade readers (us), Shelby Holmes, about a girl detective. She talked to the kids about what it takes to write a book, including many drafts and revisions!

In math we are working on Problem Solving and Place Value. 3rd grade students should know the value of digits in numbers into the ten thousands and 4th graders should know into the hundred thousands. We play a game called Guess-Digit-Place. Your child may be able to play it with you. Students should be familiar with different forms of numbers including standard form (23,987), expanded form (20,000+3000+900+80+7) and word form in which you write the number out in words.
This coming Wednesday, September 26, will be an Early Release Day. School will end at 12:52. Students will still have lunch at school.

We have scheduled a fall field trip to DeBuck's Corn Maze Wednesday, October 3rd from 10:00-2:00. We will be going together with Tracey's class. Watch for permission slips next week.
Our drinking fountain in the classroom is paltry. Some of the kids are pretty good about bringing water bottles to school. We can fill them at the drinking fountain near the cafeteria so it is helpful if kids do bring in water bottles.

         The first round of conferences will be Tuesday, October 9. Conferences include student, parent and teacher. They are scheduled for 20 minutes.  We use this time to help set goals with your student. A goal sheet for you to fill out was passed out on curriculum night and is also available on the pages section of the blog. I will assist students in completing a form with a similar format in class.  Students should attend the conference with you so they can participate in setting their own goals with your support. Some areas to consider include Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Listening, Speaking, Science, Social Studies, Social Development or Work Habits. 

On a humor side, one day the kids came in with muddy feet and got the rug all muddy.  I said,
"Do your parents let you come into the living with mud all over you shoes?" and several of the kids answered yes! Hmmm.

Thursday, September 13

Welcome Back, 2018

Bette’s Class
Welcome Back to School!
August 24, 2018

Dear Families,

   I hope you have had a great summer! I am so excited about seeing my returning families and getting to know new families and students; sharing our summer stories!
   During the first weeks we pay special attention to developing a sense of community as we establish our class routines and get to know one another. Reggie Hartman will join us as a student teacher for the first semester. He has worked in the district as a Teacher’s Aide, and he is earning his teacher’s certification. Watch for his upcoming letter of introduction.
   It can be a positive ritual to prepare for the school year gathering supplies and setting up new routines after the summer. I recommend:
ü  A backpack or bag for carrying notes papers and lunches.
ü  A book of interest for reading time.
As far as other supplies go, we have a classroom supply of writing utensils and paper. Pencils, colored pencils, markers and pens are fine to bring, but not required. A labeled pencil box can help a student keep writing utensils in order. With the free movement in class, pencils can travel a lot!
   We provide good quality spiral notebooks as “Learner Logs” for general notes, practice and reflection. In addition, we supply Composition notebooks as “Writer’s Notebooks” for collecting ideas and experimenting with writing prompts. You and your child may choose to pick up a special one to bring in if you wish. Ownership is important for a successful “Writer’s Notebook”.     
   Well-rested children who eat a good breakfast and make it to school on time will be their best at school. Rest, nourishment and being on time seem simple, but they really support a child in getting through the school day happily and productively!
You can help the kids keep their motors running during class by providing snacks. One box of crackers a month per family is our basic snack. However, our lunchtime is tends to be late, roughly 5 hours since breakfast!! You may want to pack extra snack for your child. We will discuss snack more on curriculum night.
   I like to collect the blue transportation cards. They help me to know where each child is going after school. You can email the info to me if you want. It’s also a great idea to keep a copy of your child’s after school schedule in his or her backpack.    
                                Bette Diem
                                Room 237
PS. Please share my letter to kids with your child! Thanks
PPS. Here are the answers to the riddles in the kids’ letter:
A: A towel A: Your age A: Your name  A: A Secret.

Hi KIds

Bette’s Class Notes
August 24, 2018

Hi kids,
I want to welcome new students to my class and tell returning students how excited I am to see you!
I hope your summer was great. It can be hard to see it end, but we can all look forward to a new school year with our favorite events, old and new friends, and active and fun learning.
Every new school year is a fresh start supported by the familiar. We’ll start the year with some fun games and good stories as we get to know each other and learn new school day routines.  I hope you are excited about starting a new grade, with new friends and old friends. 
         Bring a book you are reading on the first day of school!
         We will be using Learning Logs and Writer’s Notebooks. I will give them to you when you come to school. If you like, you could bring your own special journal to use.

Do you like riddles? Here are some, just for fun. See my note to parents for answers.

Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
Q: What goes up and doesn’t come back down?
Q: What belongs to you but is used more by others?
         Q: If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

         Enjoy your last days of vacation and start looking forward to an exciting school year!
                  See you soon!
Room 237

Monday, June 11

Last Week!

Dear Families,

This is going to be a great last week! Today we watched the dress rehearsal of the student led play, Willy Wonka.
Tomorrow is Field Day. Kids should come prepared to be wet ( wink, wink) with perhaps a change of clothes and have a water bottle (labeled). Our session of field activities will be in the morning.  We will also be viewing the Kids' film Festival in the afternoon.
Today, ask about Art work coming home and keep an eye out for other work as we clean out 2017-18.
There will be some "Summer Birthday Treats" coming in.
Friday will be 8th grade send off, year book signing and report cards. Dismissal is 10:54.School's out for the summer!!

Tuesday, June 5

Rolling Hills Tomorrow!

Dear Families,

Thanks for sending in the permission slips for Rolling Hills tomorrow!
I reminded the kids:
Bring a lunch, swim suit, towel, sunscreen.
There is a commissary at the park and outside food is not allowed. That's why we do our picnic lunches before entering the pool. Although I generally avoid students needing money on class trips, it's an option to bring money for a treat. I really prefer that kids do not consider lunch at the commissary and to be mindful of those who may not bring money (not to mention time spent waiting in line;).

As always, the end of the year is packed with activities!! Here's a round up:
Wednesday June 6 -
3-6th to Rolling Hillls
7pm- the school is hosting a neighborhood meeting - 
Thursday, June 7  
Ice Cream Social 5:30-8P
Tuesday, June 12 - Field Day & Film Fest
June 14 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
June 15 - Last day of school: 10:54 am student dismissal,
Looking Ahead:
Sept 4, 2018 - First Day for Students

Friday, May 25

Thanks, Tie Dye and Ticks

Thank you for lending us your children so we could have a fabulous camp! I love watching all the examples of growing resilience in the children as they practice patience, problem solving, collaboration and accepting risk. Joe and I saw so many wonderful scenarios that warmed out hearts and allowed us to practice the authentic form of assessment we value; taking kids are they are and helping them grow.

Especially thank you to all of your hard work to make it happen. I love the sense of community. It is so good for the children.

Melissa Emery (Cole's mom) helped each child make a Tie Dye T-shirt. It's best to wash it separately in cold water with 1/2 cup vinegar and a couple of drops of detergent to set the dye. We took group photos of everyone holding up their shirts. We'll forward you a copy.

We had multiple tick checks during camp and Patrick McLeod kept samples of the ones we found. At bath time please do a final check for ticks, checking hair, neck waist and ankles.

There has been a report of possible Strep throat and 2 other reports of sore throats. Hope it skips you!

Monday, May 21

Almost there!

Dear Families,

Wow! It's looking good! Our schedule has filled out nicely. We have pond dipping, fire building and fishing. Lots of other activities are lining up, too. Today we shared "Cabin Groups" (they're not really cabins, but rooms. I just like calling them cabins;) with the kids. Tomorrow they will get a survey to share their preferences with us so we can finish the activity schedule. I'm going over tree identification with them and I shared some clips on Andy Goldsworthy so they can make art with nature.

I feel well covered and SO GREATLY appreciate all of the effort and contributions from you!! Food is super well organized and we have plenty of over-nighters. Thank you so much!!

Land line phone at Camp: (734) 428-1633; Bette's Cell 734 780-6261 (cell service is poor, but we can go to the top of the hill..
When you arrive there is a bulletin board inside the lodge which will give you lots of information.

If you lost your packing list, it's on the blog (link below, as usual).
Every child should bring a book to read.
Day Packs- Kids should have a small mostly empty backpack to keep theyre daytime needs handy: hats, water bottles, extra shirts, book to read...
Labeled Water Bottle
Lunch for Wednesday!!!
Medicines labeled and turned in to teachers.

I will be closing the signup list. You can still see it. If you need to make a change, let me know directly. Otherwise, changes could occur and I wouldn't see it online.


Tuesday, May 15

Sign up please!

Dear Families,
We're getting low on snacks, so please send some in if you can.
Camp Dainava
If you haven't signed up to help with camp yet, please take a look at the sign up sheets and let us know how you can help! We're looking good on food planning and and overnights. Thanks to those who have volunteered for these essential tasks!!
We need more help with activities. None of the times are well covered: Generally we need people for all three mornings (like after breakfast until lunch) and Wed and Thurs afternoons (around 1:00 to dinner). The times are on the signup sheet. We need you to work with small groups of kids in 45 minute activities: arts and crafts, nature activities or other activities such as map reading, writing poetry...story
We're geeting down to the wire, so let us know so we can plan.
In Class
We've been having a lot of fun with OKGO, a music group that makes extravagant Rube Goldberg style music videos. They have created science lessons to go with the videos.
This Friday we will have our final Community Gathering and go to The Farm at St. Joe's. Students need to pack a lunch. We will be eating at The Farm

Tuesday, May 8

Permission Slip Fest!

Dear Families,
It's a busy time! Now, the M-Step is off our list. (yay) This Friday we will release the salmon.
  • If you haven't already, please sign the permission slip for the salmon release trip this Friday and send it in. Students will be required to dress for outdoors and bring a sack lunch to eat at the park! You can find a copy of the schedule for this trip attached to "Pages" on this blog. Also, please let me know if you are able to chaperone. Thanks to Dina Heller, Molly Zawacki and Gierdra Bowser who have said they can come.
  • Wednesday I will be sending the permission slip for the trip to The Farm at St. Joe's.
  • Thanks to all who have sent in the paperwork and permission slip for Camp Dainava coming up in just 2 weeks!!
and let us know how and when you can help. I checked it today and, with only 2 weeks to go, we need to know who will be helping us when, in order to create a program and schedule!! If you have questions, contact me. If you have trouble negotiating the google sheet, I can help you! Other information is also available on this blog (link always available on my email signature), see "Pages" above.

If any students are making a film for the Kids Film Fest, submissions are due by June 5th.
They can be sent electronically to or flash drives dropped to Chrissy Grant in Jamie's room or to her staff mailbox.

Thursday, May 3

Please remind your child to wear purple tomorrow

Friday, May 4, Fun Run. 3/4 grades wear purple. We run at 1:45 🏃

Monday, April 23

Camp Notes Coming Home!

Bette’s and Joe’s Class         Camp Dainava 2018

Dear Families,
       Camp is in 4 weeks! Today we are sending:
  • Permission slip
  • Overnight Medical Form (Required by district)
  • District required “Communication Protocol”
  • What to pack list and camp rules
  • Volunteer verification form – brief, for to be turned in to Karen at the office

Please read this note carefully and keep it somewhere safe and retrievable!!!
       First, sign and return the permission slip! Please mention any special health concerns, ‘good to know’ routines, fears, etc., that will help me keep your child comfortable. Also, include emergency contact information.
       MEDICATION!!  If your child takes medication regularly please let his or her teacher know in writing!  Medication should be in its original pharmacy container with the doctor’s prescription label. It is helpful if medication is enclosed in a Ziploc bag, clearly labeled with you child’s name and administration instructions.   ALL MEDICATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE TEACHER THE FiRST MORNING OF CAMP!  Students should not carry medication in their luggage. Please attach a note to indicate your child’s medical needs. If you suspect your child will need Tylenol or another over the counter remedy, we need a note of permission as well. Any special information needs to be in writing.
     PACKING:  Please read the attached packing list. No electronic games or equipment are allowed.  This is camp! Each child should pack enough reading material for rest times and down times. Cards and board games are ok.  Leave valuables at home. Make sure your child has good sturdy outdoor shoes.  Sandals are not good for hiking.  They do not protect the feet well enough. Pack for Michigan:  If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute!
       FOOD: SEND A SACK LUNCH ON WEDNESDAY! We will eat our lunches at camp. Contact me with any food concerns specific to your child. Also, let us know if you can donate or solicit donations of food.     THURSDAY IS THE FAMILY POT LUCK! Come and join us in the beautiful camp setting.  We will have a campfire and night activities.
       BACKGROUND CHECKS! Remember, all parents who will be alone supervising children or spending the night must submit to a background check. This can be done at the office. 
       Students must be with adults at all times.  They cannot be sent unsupervised to a room, etc.  Also, please do not take your child from camp without telling me!!! I will be doing frequent checks, and I need to know where every child is!!!

Tuesday, April 10

Upcoming Events

Bette’s Class Notes
Here are some upcoming events for Bette’s Class
April 17 (Tuesday) Camp planning meeting 6-7
·      (Followed by AAOCC meeting, 7-8:30)
April 26 (Thursday) Rural Education Days, Saline Fairgrounds
May 2 Language Arts M-STEP Test
May 3 Math M-STEP Test
May 8 No School for Election Day
May 11 Salmon Release, Flat Rock Michigan
May 23, 24, 25 Camp Dainava!!

Other events we are working on include “The Farm” at St. Joe’s Hospital, Rolling Hills Water Park, and don’t forget the Ice Cream Social

Camp Meeting- Please try to make it to our first camp-planning meeting! We will give you an outline about how camp works and answer questions. We need lots of help. There are a variety of things that need to be done, so we look forward to working together to create this amazing outdoor learning experience for the kids.
Rural Education Days is presented by students who participate in the 4-H club. We will learn a lot about Agriculture in Michigan and get to sample some products and meet some live farm animals.
M-Step – I’d like to share some thoughts Karen Siegel wrote to staff about the M-Step:

“Prepping” your students
It is important that students feel calm, rested, and safe while taking the test. There are some students who may actually enjoy the experience while others will be challenged. Remind your students that they should do their best because it helps up learn more about our teaching and helps our school show the ourselves and our community how we are doing.

I’m recalling some of the pieces of Priti Shah’s presentation that might be relevant here:

·       Math anxiety in students is most often caused by anxiety in adults. Model ways that you manage anxiety for your students (and parents.)

·       Students perform better on tests when they take walks before the testing session begins. Walks in the city are good - walks in nature are better. (The playground seems like a nice in-between.)

·       Rest and sleep hygiene is important. The hippocampus consolidates memories during sleep. Children need 8-10 hours of sleep. Screens should go off at least one hour before sleep.  Talk about sleep hygiene with students.

·       Food is important. Check in with your students to be sure they aren’t going into the experience hungry.

·       ‘Cramming’ is not helpful. Trying to cram in new lessons for the MStep is not helpful at this point. It is helpful to give students opportunities to practice recalling what they have already learned.

As I write this, I’m realizing that the best ways to “prepare” for test taking are also the best ways to live healthy, balanced lives. I know about and share many concerns about the politics and philosophy around this particular test. But, in this immediate context, it doesn’t serve our students or us to reflexively associate this test window with stress and anxiety and negativity. Instead we can see it as a learning opportunity to build and practice habits that promote healthy living.

Salmon Release will include Edie’s Class and the 8th grade students who have been helping us maintain the tank. We will go to a park on the Huron River in Flat Rock and the children will release the fish so they can head for the Great Lakes!
Computer Use- I just want to remind you that it’s a good idea for parents to check in on children’s g-mail account periodically. It’s best if your children know you have oversight. You were sent a letter in the beginning of the year with your child’s login information. If you don’t have it, let me know and I can help you with that. Eight and nine year olds are a little young for managing this type of electronic media. We have had a few incidents with students finding out someone has gained access to their account. (Sometimes it’s because they fail to log out) Sometimes the email is used to “pass notes” (as we used to in the old days with paper). They can be simple, appropriate communications, but sometimes they are not. There has also been a whole new protocol to learn with “sharing” documents. This can be a wonderful opportunity to collaborate, but sometimes we have to talk about how to manage “ownership” and sharing and “un-sharing”. Just a reminder.