Friday, May 17

Camp Reminder note

Camp Talahi Reminder Note!!
May 22, 23, 24!!!

            We’re ready!

First, thanks for all the donations for the funds for camp! We’re looking good, and I really appreciate the generosity.

Busses are all set, camp is getting ready for us. All the permission forms are turned in! Thanks.

Volunteers: We are covered in most areas. We have 5 full time parents, so we will have the 1:5 ratio.
Two areas we are weak in are transporting luggage to and from camp and having a lunch for the class when we return from camp on Friday.

Here are the last few reminders:

            Bring a yummy sack lunch for Wednesday. Make all wrappings and containers disposable. We can’t be responsible for of lunch boxes and thermoses.

            Label clothing and baggage.  Masking tape on the outside really helps us keep track of supplies when we are loading and unloading.

            Drop luggage and snack donations outside the classroom door (weather permitting)!

            All medications must be turned in to Bette, labeled the morning of departure.

            Bus will be loading at 9:30 a.m.

            We will return on Friday, May 24 around 11:15 a.m.  Children may use their regular after school method to return home.  If luggage needs to be left in the classroom, please pick it up as soon as possible.
            A HUGE THANK YOU TO PARENT VOLUNTEERS for sharing your time with us to make camp fun and educational!

2019 Camp Talahi Volunteer Summary
As of May 17, 2019

Full time Camp Volunteers: Molly, Geirdra, Amy K. Lynn, Dina (3:00)
            Full timers will collaborate to make sure all activities are covered

Wednesday, May 22

·      Vans to take luggage to camp 9:00-?  Lindsey Caverly
·      Counselors for Day activities, 10:30-5:00      Amy Kuessner
·      Counselors for Dinner. Evening Activities 5:00-10:00 Elizabeth Lunning, Megan Gustitus
·      Overnight!      Genevieve Compton, Milena Loc, Elizabeth Lunning, Amy K.

Thursday, May 23

·      Counselors for Day activities, 8:00-5:00      Elizabeth L., Amy K., Lynn, Eric Wingfield
·      Counselors- Dinner, Evening Activities 5:00-10:00 Carola
·      Overnight! Molly, Milena, Carola, Elizabeth, Amy K.

Friday, May 24

Counselors for Breakfast, morning activities, packing up 8:00-10:30 Carola, Molly
Vans to take luggage back to school Arrive at 10:00am Gierdra. NEED MORE

Camp Snacks: Anne Avery, Amber Miller, Genevieve Compton

Still not covered:

COORDINATE FRIDAY LUNCH for us.  Would that be YOU?  Please let us know.