Monday, April 23

Camp Notes Coming Home!

Bette’s and Joe’s Class         Camp Dainava 2018

Dear Families,
       Camp is in 4 weeks! Today we are sending:
  • Permission slip
  • Overnight Medical Form (Required by district)
  • District required “Communication Protocol”
  • What to pack list and camp rules
  • Volunteer verification form – brief, for to be turned in to Karen at the office

Please read this note carefully and keep it somewhere safe and retrievable!!!
       First, sign and return the permission slip! Please mention any special health concerns, ‘good to know’ routines, fears, etc., that will help me keep your child comfortable. Also, include emergency contact information.
       MEDICATION!!  If your child takes medication regularly please let his or her teacher know in writing!  Medication should be in its original pharmacy container with the doctor’s prescription label. It is helpful if medication is enclosed in a Ziploc bag, clearly labeled with you child’s name and administration instructions.   ALL MEDICATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE TEACHER THE FiRST MORNING OF CAMP!  Students should not carry medication in their luggage. Please attach a note to indicate your child’s medical needs. If you suspect your child will need Tylenol or another over the counter remedy, we need a note of permission as well. Any special information needs to be in writing.
     PACKING:  Please read the attached packing list. No electronic games or equipment are allowed.  This is camp! Each child should pack enough reading material for rest times and down times. Cards and board games are ok.  Leave valuables at home. Make sure your child has good sturdy outdoor shoes.  Sandals are not good for hiking.  They do not protect the feet well enough. Pack for Michigan:  If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute!
       FOOD: SEND A SACK LUNCH ON WEDNESDAY! We will eat our lunches at camp. Contact me with any food concerns specific to your child. Also, let us know if you can donate or solicit donations of food.     THURSDAY IS THE FAMILY POT LUCK! Come and join us in the beautiful camp setting.  We will have a campfire and night activities.
       BACKGROUND CHECKS! Remember, all parents who will be alone supervising children or spending the night must submit to a background check. This can be done at the office. 
       Students must be with adults at all times.  They cannot be sent unsupervised to a room, etc.  Also, please do not take your child from camp without telling me!!! I will be doing frequent checks, and I need to know where every child is!!!