Sunday, December 8

Fiji Update


Here is an update on our projects for the Multicultural Festival:

Please refer to the last note for lots of info on our plans. Don’t forget it’s posted on the blog as well.

All the kids have told me what their “at home I-Search project” topic is. Some students have not turned in their contracts. Check in with your child for me. It really is helpful to have those. The kids who haven’t turned them in yet all said they know where the contract is and they would bring it in on Monday. I’ll shoot you an individual email if it’s not in by Tuesday.

A past student, Caroline Hurd, will be stopping in Tuesday to talk about her work with sea turtles and migration.

Harper and his mom are working on a coral reef project that will offer opportunities for each student to contribute. Thanks, Amber! We’d love it if we could also have help with a waterfall. Jill shared a great video on coral reefs that we will watch. Several others have offered to come in and help.

I have identified times over the next week and a half when parents can come in to assist. If you have a project you are helping us with, or just want to help where needed, you are welcome. It is helpful if you let us know.

10 Tuesday 8:30-10:45
11 Wednesday 9:30-11; 1:30-3
12 Thursday is pretty open. We have Spanish 10:00-10:40 and lunch 12:45-1:30. Check in with Rick.
13 Friday
17 Tuesday 8:30-10:45
18 Wednesday 9:30-11; 1:30-3
19 Thursday TBD
20 Friday 9:15-11or 1:30-3:00- will need help preparing the room for Winter Break.

I try to create a structure that helps us have a direction, but is still flexible enough for creativity to evolve. The projects and outcome will unfold as we work.

I created small groups to cover various topics during the school day. They will meet tomorrow to brainstorm and plan.

Friday we started a list of possible materials we would need:

Newspaper, Brown paper bags, red and white tissue paper, pip cleaners, modeling clay, boxes for making dioramic models. We’ll keep you posted as we think of more.

Does anyone shop at any of the international markets in town? I wonder if we could get hold of some cassava root?

Wednesday, December 4

Fiji ideas

I am sharing with you some of the ideas the kids have for room projects for our festival display to show what we've learned.
I know some of you want to be involved. We are looking for any of you that want to take on any of these projects. We are also hoping to gather materials for making things. Some kids are making their own for I-Search at home, that's ok. They will go on display. I hope people aren't too confused by that.
Class ideas for the room (kids will participate with adult support):
Coral Reef
Model of tourist district and a model of a village
Example of a village house (maybe big enough to get in and show models of food).
I am also interested in coming up with small items to make so each child gets to participate. Some ideas are paper mache: animals, (Fish,bats, iguanas, sea turtles, food...)
Tissue paper flowers
We will also be making posters with information and maps.
Palm Trees, Banana trees
Here are links to some videos Rick and I looked at to get ideas
Video- idea for making coral reef
Palm tree idea
Polynesian ship
 National flower- 

Masi bark cloth

OK, I LOVE brainstorming! We probably won't do all of these, and we might come up with something better as we go.
For those of you who are creative and want to be a part of it, let us know if any of these ideas inspire you!!

If you can't come in to participate in the projects, watch for list of materials we may need. We would like to stick to recycleable stuff, that we can recycle when we tear it all down.
By next week I will have a list of some best times to work on projects. stay tuned!!

Fiji Questions

I am sharing the questions the kids generated about Fiji yesterday. I think they show that, even though they are excited about model making, they are also thinking about many aspects of the Fijian culture. We have been researching and sharing our ideas the last couple of days. I want the kids to stick with my resource list. It's pretty extensive. They all know how to access it by googling "bette's class notes" and going to my blog. The link is on the right hand side under "Links". Feel free to peruse.

How can we understand life on the islands of Fiji?

            How did Fiji become a nation?
            How did cannibalism start? How long did they practice cannibalism?
            What is the history of Fiji islands?
            Was Fiji part of WWI or WWII?
            When was Fiji “discovered”?
            When were the first people on the island?
            When did Fiji get its name?
            Why did the English take over Fiji?
            When did England take over Fiji?
            What weapons did they use and where did they get them?
Geography- Maps,
                        Where are all the islands?
                        What continent owns Fiji?
                        How many people live on Fiji?
                        Are any of their plants or animals dangerous?
                                    Do they use plants for medicine?
                                    What plants are poisonous?
                                    What type of birds live on the island?
                                                Do parrots live in Fiji?
                                    What types of fish are there?
                                    What do dolphins eat?
                                    What is the most common animal in Fiji?
                                    What is the rarest predator?
                                    How close to shore do sharks get?
                                    What is the climate of Fiji?
                                    How many different ecosystems are there?
            Where are the scouts’ bases located in Fiji?
            Precisely how many islands are there?
            Does Fiji have a president?
            How many times did Fiji change its flag?
            What kind of money do they have?
            What is the best way to make money?
            Does Fiji water have anything to do with Fiji?

            What is the most common job?
            How do they survive in the winter? (see climate)
                        Do people ship food or do Fijians make it?
                        How many sources for food do they have on the island?
            Do they make their clothes?
                        What language?
                        What are the folktales based off of Fiji?

Sunday, December 1


Dear Families,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! I had a good time hanging out with my kids and their families.

I’ve been pondering a lot about our study of Fiji for the multicultural festival and I want to bring you up to date on my thoughts.

I approach Multicultural Festival from several directions. The kids are very excited and some of them take off from the start. Some of my planning is built around their ideas and interests. I also strive to round out our studies so they have more depth. Frankly, I didn’t know much about Fiji, but I love researching and I’ve learned quite a lot in the last week.

Friday, I sent home blank I-Search contracts for Fiji projects. I usually have the kids fill them out at school with my guidance, but it seemed like our time was short, so I decided to send them out. The plan is for every child to be able to choose the topic they are most interested in for a personal project. It doesn’t matter if other kids choose the same topic. As some of you have observed, choosing a topic that really interests you is great motivator.

We will round it out in class as we form groups around more global concepts and the kids work in small groups to research and create ways to present what they learn. These groups will cover geography, history, government, economy and living, ie., food, language, shelter religion and rites.

Tuesday we will start with generating questions. An overall question is “How can we understand life on the islands of Fiji?” I look forward to hearing what the questions are for the class. The questions will guide our research. Meanwhile, I will be presenting information as a foundation to build our knowledge from. I will also be generating vocabulary words that will help deepen the kid’s understanding.

I always get wrapped up in too many ideas. Over the years I have learned to provide support while allowing the kids ideas to guide the outcome.

So, this week will focus on laying out our inquiry. Next week we will work on projects. I am working on a list of possible ideas and projects. Some kids take off and some benefit from a pre-organized project to help them get started so they can have a hand in the creating.

In my next edition (wink, wink) I will have an idea of the kind of projects we will work on and offer a schedule when it would be best for parents to come in to help.  As you might guess, I’m open to your ideas as well.

More to come,


Friday, November 22

Bette' Class Chooses Fiji

        Today Bette’s Class chose Fiji as our culture to study and teach about for this year’s All School Multicultural Festival. We worked together to make this decision. It was a dynamic process, and a lot of fun! I want to share the process with you.

            First, we talked about what “culture” means and the answers were mostly on target: how people live, their food, government, history, traditions, etc. We also discussed choosing a general topic, such as climate change or ocean plastic, which are topics some of our students are interested in.
            Next, we passed out the Atlases and kids worked in pairs to peruse the world! They wrote down places of interest. Each pair narrowed it down to 5 and we wrote them on a big piece of paper. As a group, we looked for doubles and also removed any that were already selected by other classes. People got a chance to speak to some of the ideas they liked and give reasons.
            Time to use the dots.
      We removed any that obviously did not have enough interest.

Then it was time to go to lunch.
While the class was at lunch, I made a fresh sheet with the finalists.
Once again, we took turns sharing our thoughts.
Another round of dots.
It was narrowed down to 2 choices: Fiji and Amazon Rainforest.

We voted, and Fiji won.
What a surprise! We’re all very excited. I am working on a google doc with vetted resources. I will share with you and you can add anything you may find. Please let us know if you have and knowledge, experience or resources for learning about Fiji.
            Our multicultural festival is an exciting, community building experience. I will create a curriculum with the kids to learn about what makes the people of Fiji special- How they are different and how we are all the same.

Wednesday, October 30

Halloween Parade tomorrow!!

Dear Families,

Of course, all are welcome to come watch the parade (might be indoors?) and help with the party and clean up afterward.
Thanks for signing up to bring snacks, looks good. 🎃

Sorry for the last minute reminder, but here are the foods to avoid due to allergies in the classroom:
Sesame seeds
tree nuts

By the way, the district has installed water filters in all the classrooms.

Don't forget Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday in the wee hours and Tuesday is no school for Election Day.

Monday, October 28


Dear Families,
Here we are in Halloween week. This morning we discussed the origins of the holiday. 

I've always considered Halloween as an opportunity for children to explore scary feelings in a situation where they know they are actually safe. I noticed when the kids filled out their Reading and Writing Survey that quite a few said they like scary/horror stories. So, we are working on crafting "scary stories" in writing workshop, with a focus on how to build suspense.

Thursday morning the 7/8 choir will present a short concert of Halloween songs. There will be an all school Halloween Parade in the afternoon. Children can bring in their "appropriate" costumes to put on after lunch. If your child wants to have a costume that is too scary or bloody, they need to come up with an alternate for the school parade. Costumes should not be making fun of or showing derogatory representations of anybody. In addition, no weapons or masks are permitted. Karen wrote a thorough explanation of the expectations for school costumes in last week's Wednesday packet if you want further explanation. We have discussed this in class.

The parade will end in the auditorium for a brief sing along, then we will come back to class for a snacky party. Katie Williams (Clare's mom) is helping us organize some party food. Here is the link to sign up if you want to send in a treat. Please keep the treats on the healthy side.

Please be aware that if your child does not want to participate in our Halloween celebration, there will be an activity offered by Anessa Nelson in the PLTW room. Let me know if you are interested in this alternative so we can make arrangements for your child.

 The schedule is:
1:30 the kids come in from lunch. This is the time for them to put on their costumes.
2:00 ish Karen and Chris will begin the parade at Edie's room, we will fall in after Chad's class.
        The parade will end up in the auditorium where the choir class will lead a short sing-a-long.
        Then we will come back to class for our "party," which will include sit-down snacking followed by recess.

Q: What kind of dessert does a ghost like?
A: I scream!

Monday, October 14

Conferences and updates

Dear Families,

I am starting conferences this Wednesday. To those who were signed up for conferences last week, I thank you for understanding my need to reschedule. I am attaching a link to a google doc sign up for conferences. I entered the families who signed up at Curriculum Night and added Tuesday, October 29, 4-7pm. You can add your name to any open time. If none of these times work for you, shoot me an email and I will work with you to find a time. sign up for conferences

The conferences are designed to include the student.  They are scheduled for 20 minutes.  We will use this time to help set goals with your child. I am attaching a goal sheet for you to use. I will assist students in completing a form with a similar format in class.  Students will also be filling out forms designed to help them reflect on their school work in reading, writing and math as well as their interests. Students should attend the conference with you so they can participate in setting their own goals with our support. Some areas to consider include Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Listening, Speaking, Science, Social Studies, Social Development or Work Habits. 

I am also including a “Parent Homework” assignment.  When you find time, jot down a few things that you think will help me to know your child better. It helps me to get to know your child and how to best help him/her grow. Please note: “No due Date – No Page Limit.”

Thanks to those of you who have been sending in snacks. Rayna created a snack list for us, and I am just now getting around to sharing it with you. Sorry about that, and thank you Rayna. Bette's class snack schedule

Last week the kids worked on researching different animals that migrate. Rick had created research guides for them and they used his forms to take notes. In class they created posters, mini-books or “trading cards” with the information. This week they are sharing what they learned with the class.

Last week we made butterflies to send to Mexico for an activity called Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration using a website called “Journey North.”  Our butterflies will be sent to students in Mexico, where the Monarch butterflies migrate for the winter. Fun Fact: It takes 4 generations for the monarchs to complete the migration cycle.

Our butterflies didn’t fare so well, but we have one surviving chrysalis. We're hoping it will emerge.

I am also adding a link to the Wednesday Packet. There's quite a bit of important information in it

Sunday, October 6

I'm Coming Back!!!

Dear Families,

I've made great progress and I will be back to half time in the mornings starting tomorrow!  Looking forward to getting in the swing of things. I feel so fortunate to have Rick. He's kept me informed and we'll continue to work together.

I am also grateful for the patience and support I have received from many of you.

Elizabeth (Iris' mom) told me she sent book order forms home which are due tomorrow. You can order online or send it in with a check and we'll mail them in together.

I'll check in more, soon.

Sunday, September 22

Dear Families: Reminders

Dear Families,

I hope you had a chance to enjoy this beautiful day!

Swimming on Mondays
Tuesday is picture day.
Wednesday is Early Release, no PM Rec & Ed.

AAOCC is asking who my room parent is. Turns out, even though there are plenty of welcome sign ups for volunteer time, no on signed the room parent line;) Room parent is someone the AAOCC can contact a few times throughout the year.
Currently, they at least need a parent who is willing to be contacted about our classroom basket for the Silent Auction on November 22nd. Please let me know if you are willing to be Room Parent for AAOCC or if you only want to be the contact for the Silent Auction, let me know.

Unfortunately, I will not be in yet. Fortunately, Rick is onboard! He gave me permission to share his email. Rick Hall
Rick sends me daily summaries. I have attached short video of all the kids lined up for the climate march. The kids made some posters for the march. They are also learning about butterfly migration and going to Project Lead the Way at the end of the day. Rick is working on assessing math and providing appropriate instruction and work. Everyday has reading and writing time.

I miss the kids and you, but I am so grateful to Rick for being there for us!

Tuesday, September 17

Finally got the email list made.

I hope I got everyone on the list.

Just a couple of notes:

We have started Project Lead The Way (PLTW). The classroom is in the 1st floor (basement). Since our time is scheduled for the last hour of the day Tuesday-Friday, we are packing the kids up and dismissing them from there. This could affect you pick up plans. You can arrange for the kids to meet you at our door. Mondays we have PLTW right before lunch.

The district has sent a letter to parents regarding a climate strike planned to take place Friday, September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC.  Some classes are planning to step out on Friday to show unity with this grassroots movement. We are planning to join a couple of classes to walk the neighborhood together. We will start at 12, walking on the sidewalks in the neighborhood  and return by 12:40. We need permission slips for this, so watch for them. In addition, if your child does not want to participate or you do not want your child to participate, just let us know. We are planning an alternate activity for students who do not want to participate.

On a personal note, Today was my last treatment, but the side effects have increased so I have been out this week. The doctors warned me that side effects would not clear up quickly at first, but when they do it will be smooth sailing. That's my plan;)

Thanks for your patience and support!

Thursday, September 5

1st week letter, 19-20

September 4, 2019    

Dear Families,

Welcome to Bette’s class, 19-20! In room 237!

We had an exciting and happy first day back at school! What a great class! We’re going to have a wonderful year! The afternoon transition when Rick arrived went really well. Keep in mind, during my medical leave if you want to stop in you will see me in the mornings and Rick in the afternoons. Be sure to contact me with any questions or concerns. Rick and I work closely together, I can pass afternoon information to him.

My class notes to parents can be found on a blog at You can also just google “Bette’s class notes”. I believe you can add your email so that you will know when a new note is added. I’m working on a class email group so I can send notes on email as well. If you prefer paper/”kid” mail, let me know.

I am sending you a copy of the weekly schedule for specials. Please note Monday is swimming! Be sure to assemble a swimming bag with a suit and towel and set a clear expectation that they come home on Mondays to be dried out!

This Thursday, September 5, the all school welcome picnic is 6pm at the upper playground. Bring a picnic dinner and come meet the other families in your children’s classes.  It is pretty informal- “bring your own” and outdoors, weather permitting. Some people like to bring a blanket and picnic dinner.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with other members of the class and the school community.

Thursday, Sept. 12, 6:00-8:30 PM: Curriculum Night. Our class will meet 6-7pm followed by the principal’s introduction to the Specials teachers at 7-7:30.


Welcome Back! August 27, 2019

Bette’s Class
Welcome Back to School!
August 27, 2019

Dear Families,

     I hope you have had a great summer! I am so excited about seeing my returning families and getting to know new families and students; sharing our summer stories!
     During the first weeks we pay special attention to developing a sense of community as we establish our class routines and get to know one another.
     It can be a positive ritual to prepare for the school year gathering supplies and setting up new routines after the summer. I recommend:
ü  A backpack or bag for carrying notes papers and lunches.
ü  A book of interest for reading time.
As far as other supplies go, we have a classroom supply of writing utensils and paper. Pencils, colored pencils, markers and pens are fine to bring, but not required. A labeled pencil box can help a student keep writing utensils in order. With the free movement in class, pencils can travel a lot!
     We provide good quality spiral notebooks as “Learner Logs” for general notes, practice and reflection. In addition, we supply Composition notebooks as “Writer’s Notebooks” for collecting ideas and experimenting with writing prompts. You and your child may choose to pick up a special one to bring in if you wish. Ownership is important for a successful “Writer’s Notebook”.           
     Well-rested children who eat a good breakfast and make it to school on time will be their best at school. First bell is 8:14 and class begins at 8:19. Rest, nourishment and being on time seem simple, but they really support a child in getting through the school day happily and productively!
You can help the kids keep their motors running during class by providing snacks. Our lunchtime can tend to be late, roughly 5 hours since breakfast!! Healthy snacks include fresh cut fruits and vegetables, crackers, cheese, yogurt, pretzels. Once a month per family helps to keep our cupboard stocked. We can use snacks beginning on the first day! It’s best to be nut free until we learn more about possible allergies. Please let me know about any serious allergies or special needs.
     Please help me to know where each child is going after school. It’s helpful if you send the info to me on a card the first day. It’s also a great idea to keep a copy of your child’s after school schedule in his or her backpack.         
     The beginning of the year there will be a different daily routine. I spent the summer dealing with surgery on my neck. My fantasy was to complete the process before school starts. Surgery was successful, but there is follow up continuing for the month of September.  At the suggestion of my doctor I am requesting part time leave. I will be able to get the class started on a good foot while still taking care of myself. I will be teaching in the mornings and I will have a guest teacher for the afternoon. Retired Open teacher Rick Hall has agreed to help out. Rick’s a lot of fun, and he and I will be able to work as a team to make it the best possible experience for your child. I did not write about it in my annual Kids Welcome letter as I don’t want to introduce new anxiety about coming to school. I appreciate your support in promoting a positive attitude about this unique situation.
                                                     Bette Diem
                                                     Room 237

Bette’s Class Notes                                                      August 27, 2019

Hi kids!                                                                                                                    
            I hope you have had a great summer! I am getting ready for a new school year and looking forward to seeing you.
            We’ll start the year with some fun games and good stories as we get to know each other and learn new school day routines.  I hope you are excited about starting a new grade, with new friends and old friends. 
            Bring a book you are reading on the first day of school. Also bring one item to share that represents summer to you. Think of 3 things you can say about your item and how it connects to summer. Well share these over the first week as we get to know one another.
            We will be using Learning Logs and Writer’s Notebooks. I will give them to you when you come to school. If you like, you could bring your own special journal to use.
Do you like mazes? Here are some, just for fun.

Enjoy your last days of vacation and start looking forward to an exciting school year!
                        See you soon!