Wednesday, December 4

Fiji Questions

I am sharing the questions the kids generated about Fiji yesterday. I think they show that, even though they are excited about model making, they are also thinking about many aspects of the Fijian culture. We have been researching and sharing our ideas the last couple of days. I want the kids to stick with my resource list. It's pretty extensive. They all know how to access it by googling "bette's class notes" and going to my blog. The link is on the right hand side under "Links". Feel free to peruse.

How can we understand life on the islands of Fiji?

            How did Fiji become a nation?
            How did cannibalism start? How long did they practice cannibalism?
            What is the history of Fiji islands?
            Was Fiji part of WWI or WWII?
            When was Fiji “discovered”?
            When were the first people on the island?
            When did Fiji get its name?
            Why did the English take over Fiji?
            When did England take over Fiji?
            What weapons did they use and where did they get them?
Geography- Maps,
                        Where are all the islands?
                        What continent owns Fiji?
                        How many people live on Fiji?
                        Are any of their plants or animals dangerous?
                                    Do they use plants for medicine?
                                    What plants are poisonous?
                                    What type of birds live on the island?
                                                Do parrots live in Fiji?
                                    What types of fish are there?
                                    What do dolphins eat?
                                    What is the most common animal in Fiji?
                                    What is the rarest predator?
                                    How close to shore do sharks get?
                                    What is the climate of Fiji?
                                    How many different ecosystems are there?
            Where are the scouts’ bases located in Fiji?
            Precisely how many islands are there?
            Does Fiji have a president?
            How many times did Fiji change its flag?
            What kind of money do they have?
            What is the best way to make money?
            Does Fiji water have anything to do with Fiji?

            What is the most common job?
            How do they survive in the winter? (see climate)
                        Do people ship food or do Fijians make it?
                        How many sources for food do they have on the island?
            Do they make their clothes?
                        What language?
                        What are the folktales based off of Fiji?