Monday, October 28


Dear Families,
Here we are in Halloween week. This morning we discussed the origins of the holiday. 

I've always considered Halloween as an opportunity for children to explore scary feelings in a situation where they know they are actually safe. I noticed when the kids filled out their Reading and Writing Survey that quite a few said they like scary/horror stories. So, we are working on crafting "scary stories" in writing workshop, with a focus on how to build suspense.

Thursday morning the 7/8 choir will present a short concert of Halloween songs. There will be an all school Halloween Parade in the afternoon. Children can bring in their "appropriate" costumes to put on after lunch. If your child wants to have a costume that is too scary or bloody, they need to come up with an alternate for the school parade. Costumes should not be making fun of or showing derogatory representations of anybody. In addition, no weapons or masks are permitted. Karen wrote a thorough explanation of the expectations for school costumes in last week's Wednesday packet if you want further explanation. We have discussed this in class.

The parade will end in the auditorium for a brief sing along, then we will come back to class for a snacky party. Katie Williams (Clare's mom) is helping us organize some party food. Here is the link to sign up if you want to send in a treat. Please keep the treats on the healthy side.

Please be aware that if your child does not want to participate in our Halloween celebration, there will be an activity offered by Anessa Nelson in the PLTW room. Let me know if you are interested in this alternative so we can make arrangements for your child.

 The schedule is:
1:30 the kids come in from lunch. This is the time for them to put on their costumes.
2:00 ish Karen and Chris will begin the parade at Edie's room, we will fall in after Chad's class.
        The parade will end up in the auditorium where the choir class will lead a short sing-a-long.
        Then we will come back to class for our "party," which will include sit-down snacking followed by recess.

Q: What kind of dessert does a ghost like?
A: I scream!