Wednesday, March 25

Thursday, to Kids

Hi Kids,

Today is "Popeye Pose" National Spinach Day. If you don't know who Popeye is, see if your parents do. Those were my cartoons "when I was a kid".

Go to Google classroom for a fun math assignment. Also, If you chose a topic to work on enter it in the Stream section. 

We will have another meeting Friday at 9:30am. It turns out I am not supposed to use Zoom with you because of internet security, so we’ll meet on Google Meets. You will get an email to join.

Thursday March 26

Dear Families,

Today is "Popeye Pose: National Spinach Day" for Virtual School Spirit week. I wish I was there to tell the kids about Popeye. If they want, kids should strike a Popeye Pose and send a picture to Jen Thomas.

I will offer another online meeting with the kids Friday at 9:30am. It turns out I am not supposed to use Zoom with the kids because of internet security, so we’ll meet on Google Meets. They will get an email to join.

In Google Classroom I posted a fun activity on area and perimeter. I am attaching the activity and cm grid paper to this email for you. I don’t want to make you print too much, so I told the kids if they can’t print the grid paper to get a ruler and a piece of paper and make a grid of their own. Keep 'em busy. It's up to you.

I am also adding a sheet on how to form cursive letters for the kids if they want it.

Monday, March 23


Dear Families, 
I hope you are well. I am doing fine, hunkering down. 
I sent an email to the kids this morning. They can go to Bette's Class Google Classroom to find a couple of activities and check in on the class.

Virtual Spirit Week starts today!  It is National Puppy Day! If your child wants to they can take a selfie with a pet dog or a plush to share! Maybe a drawing. If you’d like your picture to go into a slideshow for Open families, please send the picture to
I will be at my computer for quick response 9:00-10:30 this morning. I will check the computer other times, too. I love to hear from you. 

Kids #4 Monday, March 23

Good Morning Bette's Class!
How was it having a weekend with no school around it?
In my last email I told you about A2Open School Spirit week. Today is National Puppy Day. If you go to "Coursework" in Bette's Class Google Classroom, you will find 2 "assignments". They're just for fun and I'm learning how to use this Google Classroom. 
If you didn't respond to the "SQuiRT" assignment and enter the title of the book you are reading you can do that, too.
You can email me, or enter Comments in Stream. I will be at my computer for quick response 9:00-10:30 this morning. I will check the computer other times, too. 
I was Skyping with my granddaughter yesterday and she was into riddles, so if you know any good ones enter them in Stream.

Friday, March 20

Letter to Kids, #3

Hi Kids!
I sent an email on regular email that includes every student on their school email address. I will be sending class emails through Google Classroom soon. So far we have 16 of you signed up!!! Keep trying if you're not on yet. I think I've replied to each student when they sign up. If you're not sure, email me and I'll answer.

Ella sent me a snail mail letter. If you feel like sending me one, I will respond with one. It's a different feeling to get a letter in the 'real' mail. (Don't you miss the "When I was a kid stories?"😉)
My address:
Bette Diem
954 Arbordale St.
Ann Arbor, MI   48103

Watch for another email. I am going to set up "office hours" so we can be on the Google Classroom "Stream" together and eventually we will be able to meet on Google Meets!

Next  week is Ann Arbor Open School Spirit Week. If you can take pictures, send them to Jen her email is below.
To help maintain our connections, next week will be a different version of Spirit Week for us - we will have a fun schedule of days that we show our togetherness in different ways, from home.  

Here is the schedule:

We are encouraging families (and staff!) to send in pictures if they choose to participate - to my email address:

More soon, I'm going for a walk in the woods!!


From Bette, Friday 3/20

Dear Families,
I've been inundated with Corona Virus emails!! I assume you have been, too.
Some of the stuff from Karen and Sup Swift have good links in them. Just skim past their lofty intros. My suggestion is to go to Karen's first. Sometimes she is repeating the same stuff because we want everyone to have access to the info. I worry some of you won't get the info because it's sooo much, so here is a bullet list of stuff I don't want you to miss
Swift's/Karen's emails for info on
  • Food for children
  • access to technology. They're passing out Chromebooks. If you're working remotely from home and it's hard to share with your kids, consider it. One of the suggested criteria is "I share my device with 3 or more people." Distribution is tomorrow. Technology help line for parents 734 997-1222
  • Lots of links for info and resources
We're up to 16 students on the Google Classroom. This will facilitate me in communicating with the class and creating activities for them. It has a "Stream" feature which allows live chats with the class. Right now kids are popping up randomly. I will be setting times we can try to be together for chats and discussions. 

I am also getting better at Google Meets, which allows video chats, by practicing with Denise and my daughter. I will set times to meet.

If it is difficult for you to get you child on these platforms, or you prefer not to, please let me know.  I am responding to parents or kids who email me individually. 


Thursday, March 19

Letter to the kids #2

Sorry you didn't hear from me yesterday. I took a number of online courses, trying to figure out how to set up our classroom and have class "meeting". I will be working on getting this functional today. (I kinda got computer fatigue from being on line for the courses).

I set up "Bette's Class" in google classroom and entered all of the student emails. The program said it sent "invites". A few people said they didn't get theirs, but 8 signed up (joined) so I thought that meant they received the invite. It seems they didn't, they figured out another way to join. Below is a letter to the kids. I am sending it through you instead of entering all of those emails to make a new email group, because once we set up our classroom I will be able to communicate with all of them through Google Classroom. 

I'd appreciate it if you could share with them or forward to them. Remember, they have to use their school email address. I think all of the kids know theirs because this is how they login to the Chromebooks, but let me know and I can send you their school email.

Dear kids in "Bette's Class",

This is an email for all of the students in my class. It will also be posted at “Bette’s Class Notes”. You can find the link to that below at the end of my letter.
I’m working on setting up a google classroom. It said I sent you all “invites” but it seems they were not received. Eight kids have signed up, but it seems they figured it out another way. I went to:
found the help center (which is a question mark in a circle on the bottom left hand corner) and typed in the word “code” to get the following instructions. I hope all of you can join our classroom today so we can get started on having a “virtual” class.

Join a class with a class code

1.    Go to
2.    At the top, click  the big plus sign on the upper right hand corner and select Join class. 
3.    Enter the class code and click Join.

Our class code is tvdmwuh

Please try to join today!! 


Bette Diem, Teacher
Ann Arbor Open School
920 Miller Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI  48103
(734) 994-1910

Class notes blog

Tuesday, March 17

Letter to the kids

Bette's Class 2.0
Dear Class,

This is a joint letter to all of you. You all should have received an"invite" to join Bette's Class on Google Classroom. Respond to the invite so you will be added to my class list. We can communicate as a class this way. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to activate Google Hang Outs for the class next.

Most children are good at living in the moment. Sometimes adults miss this. We worry about the past and the future too much.

The news and letters are referring to this Corona Virus as "unprecedented". That means we don't have a past experience we can look to that helps us know how to  handle this situation. And we don't know how it will look in the future.  I'm mentioning this because this is very stressful for your grownups. Try to be kind to them

I want to encourage you to actually look into the future a little as you decide how to manage being home so much.  At first it will seem like an unexpected vacation. Over time it will become harder. The way to make it easier is to make sure you keep busy and vary your activities. Even your favorite activity can become tiresome if you don't do some other things as well. You know at school I try to alternate active things with quiet things. Don't forget Recess.😉 I wrote your parents about setting up a schedule. I hope you have talked this over with them. If you have a schedule, send me a copy or picture of it.

I got set up on "DreamBox", which is a program you can get to through Clever. It is a math program. It will assess your math skills and give you activities and games that are best for you. I want each of you to login and get started. I can check how you are doing on the teacher page.

Thinking about you!!!💗

Tuesday, March 17- still working...

Hello Families,

Today and tomorrow the district is providing courses for teachers to help us utilize available resources for working with our classes.

I just took a PD on DreamBox, which is a math program that assesses where the student is and provides lessons tailored to their personal level. It can be accessed through Clever. I have a page where I can track how each student is doing. I already saw 2 students utilizing it. Recommendation is 5 or more lessons per week, which is 30-60 minutes.

I have a copy of the clever badges. The kids who came Friday had them in their "going home" bag. Let me know if you need a screenshot of it so your child can sign in.

More soon,

Monday, March 16

Monday, March 16

Dear Families,

The District curriculum coordinators are pushing out grade level assignments for this week. I'm not sure yet what they will look like. They are providing tons of resources.

Karen sent an email out this morning suggesting a daily schedule. I strongly suggest this as well. The kids really count on checking the schedule on the whiteboard, maybe you could post one on the refrigerator or in a visible spot. Better yet, have the kids make the schedule to post.
Set reasonable stretches of time for work at home. If there is resistance for a task, set a timer for a time you think they can handle. Times can be stretched as you go, but kids don't really realize that accomplishing something, even if it's not your favorite, has its rewards. Also, best not to tell them that and watch for them to begin to discover it themselves.

I raised 4 kids as a working mom. No matter how much you love them and want to do for them, it can be hard sometimes. I found that my worst days were when I set too many goals for myself raising my stress level. On the days I let go of some of my expectations for myself, I often got more done. Funny how that works.  Prioritize, let things go. Sometimes the solution to a problem is the opposite of what you are doing.

Encourage your child to email me. I want to engage with them. I'll let you know when I figure out google classroom which would be a platform we could use to have class assignments and discussion. Also, I encourage you to email me as well. I am more than willing to maintain a dialog with you, be it specific or general.

I will be posting all of my notes on the blog, so if you don't want to wade through emails to find my letters, just bookmark the blog. Address in my signature.

I'm just letting you see what a Monday school day might look like. Obviously, adjust to your needs. There are lots of at home schedules being published. I have attached one that's very colorful.

Mondays at school:
Attendance and community discussion
Everyday edits- PDF attached. It's 2 of the same thing. Let me know if you can't print., we'll come up with something else. Substitute writing if needed.
Writing if time
Swimming- Maybe just an exercise break, since you probably don't have an indoor pool;)
Math- I made sure each child that came on Friday had a math practice packet. Hopefully I'll figure out how to get fancier.
Community Circle-  We form a circle so that there is equitable participation and talk about issues on the kid's mind. Everyone gets a turn to speak, but it's ok to pass.
SQuirT- Many of you know this is our sustained reading time. Our class is really good at this. They love to read. 
     Food for thought: Some of the kids will read indefinitely. They lose track of time, (or don't want to do what's next). Since it looks like this might be a long haul, I think it would be a good idea to set boundaries so they don't tend to get bored and lose their initiative to do anything. . For this age group I think it's best to alternate mental work and physical activities. 
Library- Tech- This is where Christine instructs kids on programs and skills on computers. Sometimes they do a typing program, sometimes she shows them other opportunities on the computers. Ask your child to make you a list of the things they have done in "Library-Tech". All this time at home is going to challenge the battle of screen time. I suggest you set specific times and tasks. Stand your ground, the fight for screen time is powerful.
Read Aloud- Choose a book to read out loud. I know many of you already do that. You don't have to follow this schedule, but you should create one that works for you and your family and try to stick to it. You might consider audio books as well, which would be a good way to get down time on both ends.
Clean/Pack/Dismiss I think it is important to have a specific time for "school" to be over.

Tracey found this cute list of things to do.

Stay well,

Friday, March 13


Dear Families,
Today we had Library and PE, just like a regular Friday. Christine modified her book check out limit to 5 and I encouraged them to choose books that were a good challenge. I also let kids choose books from the class library. I thought you were going to have access to the AA district library, but they closed at 6pm today.

We also spent time cleaning and packing up. I let the 11 kids who attended today take home their writer's notebook, handwriting book and tried to help each one make sure they had a "Rick" math packet to work on.

I don't know about you, but I have been inundated with emails about the corona virus and school closures. I suggest you read the AAPS updates. They have a lot of information and links to resources. I worry about you managing child care if you have to work. I hope you all have alternatives that can work.

The students who came today filled out a survey for the district. They are trying really hard to assess family needs, especially in internet connection and food for families that rely on school lunches and breakfasts. Parents of kids who didn't fill the survey out today will receive an email with a link to the survey. I believe they are also sending a survey link to parents. Please fill it out. It shouldn't be a long one.

Lots of people and businesses are stepping up to help us get through this.

I will work on a system for communication with the students. AAPS is offering teachers PD to help us figure this out. I will put some curated links on the blog to make it easily accessible. Just google "Bette's class notes" I suggest you set up a mini schedule for reading, writing and math for a period of time each day. Don't forget recess!! I look forward to maintaining my relationship with you and the children during this. Please don't hesitate to email me with questions, concerns or stories.

My grandaughter and I saw snowdrops popping up in the woods Tuesday. Spring is coming.

More soon. Take Care,

Early release and school closure

I'm sorry to be contacting you so late. I was late getting home and just read through all the emails from Superintendent Swift and Karen Siegel.

On our early release day tomorrow we will connect with the kids and talk about potential scenarios. The district has created a survey that the children will take at school to assess needs that we can help with. They will send one to you as well, through School Messenger. We will have our regular Friday specials: Library and P.E. so students should bring library books to return and gym shoes. Christine is going to extend the number of books that can be checked out and I will be offering kids a chance to borrow books from the classroom library.

We will also be trying our best to collect all items that kids should take home. We will not have access to the building during the closure.

I will know more tomorrow when we have a staff meeting after the kids leave. This all seems so dramatic. My daughter is Director of Nursing at Packard Health Clinic and in charge of management of the Corona 19 crisis for the clinic. She assures me that these steps make sense and this is the best way to keep the disease at bay and protect the most people.

The school district is working on a plan so we can stay in touch with our students. I will know more tomorrow. 

We were working in class today on focus study sign up. Most of the kids present today filled theirs out after we read through the catalog. Christine optimistically wants to collect these as planned in hope that we can choose a week when we return to still have them. If your child was absent today, please email me or Christine with your choices. The catalog and the form can be found in the Wednesday packet or you can use the one I have posted in the "Pages" section.

Stay tuned for more soon and feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

Stay well,