is "Popeye Pose: National Spinach Day" for Virtual School Spirit week. I
wish I was there to tell the kids about Popeye. If they want, kids
should strike a Popeye Pose and send a picture to Jen Thomas.
I will offer another online meeting with the kids Friday at 9:30am.
It turns out I am not supposed to use Zoom with the kids because of internet
security, so we’ll meet on Google Meets. They will get an email to join.
In Google Classroom I posted a fun activity on area and
perimeter. I am attaching the activity and cm grid paper to this email for you.
I don’t want to make you print too much, so I told the kids if they can’t print
the grid paper to get a ruler and a piece of paper and make a grid of their own. Keep 'em busy. It's up to you.