Wednesday, October 30

Halloween Parade tomorrow!!

Dear Families,

Of course, all are welcome to come watch the parade (might be indoors?) and help with the party and clean up afterward.
Thanks for signing up to bring snacks, looks good. 🎃

Sorry for the last minute reminder, but here are the foods to avoid due to allergies in the classroom:
Sesame seeds
tree nuts

By the way, the district has installed water filters in all the classrooms.

Don't forget Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday in the wee hours and Tuesday is no school for Election Day.

Monday, October 28


Dear Families,
Here we are in Halloween week. This morning we discussed the origins of the holiday. 

I've always considered Halloween as an opportunity for children to explore scary feelings in a situation where they know they are actually safe. I noticed when the kids filled out their Reading and Writing Survey that quite a few said they like scary/horror stories. So, we are working on crafting "scary stories" in writing workshop, with a focus on how to build suspense.

Thursday morning the 7/8 choir will present a short concert of Halloween songs. There will be an all school Halloween Parade in the afternoon. Children can bring in their "appropriate" costumes to put on after lunch. If your child wants to have a costume that is too scary or bloody, they need to come up with an alternate for the school parade. Costumes should not be making fun of or showing derogatory representations of anybody. In addition, no weapons or masks are permitted. Karen wrote a thorough explanation of the expectations for school costumes in last week's Wednesday packet if you want further explanation. We have discussed this in class.

The parade will end in the auditorium for a brief sing along, then we will come back to class for a snacky party. Katie Williams (Clare's mom) is helping us organize some party food. Here is the link to sign up if you want to send in a treat. Please keep the treats on the healthy side.

Please be aware that if your child does not want to participate in our Halloween celebration, there will be an activity offered by Anessa Nelson in the PLTW room. Let me know if you are interested in this alternative so we can make arrangements for your child.

 The schedule is:
1:30 the kids come in from lunch. This is the time for them to put on their costumes.
2:00 ish Karen and Chris will begin the parade at Edie's room, we will fall in after Chad's class.
        The parade will end up in the auditorium where the choir class will lead a short sing-a-long.
        Then we will come back to class for our "party," which will include sit-down snacking followed by recess.

Q: What kind of dessert does a ghost like?
A: I scream!

Monday, October 14

Conferences and updates

Dear Families,

I am starting conferences this Wednesday. To those who were signed up for conferences last week, I thank you for understanding my need to reschedule. I am attaching a link to a google doc sign up for conferences. I entered the families who signed up at Curriculum Night and added Tuesday, October 29, 4-7pm. You can add your name to any open time. If none of these times work for you, shoot me an email and I will work with you to find a time. sign up for conferences

The conferences are designed to include the student.  They are scheduled for 20 minutes.  We will use this time to help set goals with your child. I am attaching a goal sheet for you to use. I will assist students in completing a form with a similar format in class.  Students will also be filling out forms designed to help them reflect on their school work in reading, writing and math as well as their interests. Students should attend the conference with you so they can participate in setting their own goals with our support. Some areas to consider include Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Listening, Speaking, Science, Social Studies, Social Development or Work Habits. 

I am also including a “Parent Homework” assignment.  When you find time, jot down a few things that you think will help me to know your child better. It helps me to get to know your child and how to best help him/her grow. Please note: “No due Date – No Page Limit.”

Thanks to those of you who have been sending in snacks. Rayna created a snack list for us, and I am just now getting around to sharing it with you. Sorry about that, and thank you Rayna. Bette's class snack schedule

Last week the kids worked on researching different animals that migrate. Rick had created research guides for them and they used his forms to take notes. In class they created posters, mini-books or “trading cards” with the information. This week they are sharing what they learned with the class.

Last week we made butterflies to send to Mexico for an activity called Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration using a website called “Journey North.”  Our butterflies will be sent to students in Mexico, where the Monarch butterflies migrate for the winter. Fun Fact: It takes 4 generations for the monarchs to complete the migration cycle.

Our butterflies didn’t fare so well, but we have one surviving chrysalis. We're hoping it will emerge.

I am also adding a link to the Wednesday Packet. There's quite a bit of important information in it

Sunday, October 6

I'm Coming Back!!!

Dear Families,

I've made great progress and I will be back to half time in the mornings starting tomorrow!  Looking forward to getting in the swing of things. I feel so fortunate to have Rick. He's kept me informed and we'll continue to work together.

I am also grateful for the patience and support I have received from many of you.

Elizabeth (Iris' mom) told me she sent book order forms home which are due tomorrow. You can order online or send it in with a check and we'll mail them in together.

I'll check in more, soon.