Tuesday, November 13

Field Trip this Friday!!

Dear Families,

I'm excited for the big trip on Friday to the Wolf Lake Hatchery to pick up our salon eggs!  We sent the permission slips home last Friday. (Margaret watched each one go into its backpack, wink, wink). We  have a majority of the permission slips in.  Second chance permission slips were passed out today to the 8 that are still out. Here's the agenda for Friday:

8:30 Swimming
9:15 Load the bus, snack served on the bus
10:30-12:00  Tour of the hatchery
12:00- Lunch, tour museum and show pond
1:30 load bus
3:00 arrive at AAO

Children should BRING A LUNCH. They should be dressed comfortably for the weather. The children can bring a "purged" backpack to keep their lunch, extra clothing and a book or notebook in.

We have some individual packets of cheeze crackers for the bus ride. I would love it if someone could send in some juice boxes. I have one "G" rated movie for the bus ride. We need one more.

Confirmed chaperones so far are Lynn, Dina, Carola. Heidi will be with us. There's room for one or two more. If you are interested let me know!

Multicultural festival is coming up. Today we voted to study "People of the Great Lakes"! It's a rich topic and I am sure everyone will be able to find a topic of interest. We're already talking about making the entrance to our room the St. Lawrence Seaway and making Niagara Falls with the Welland Canal going by it. I am reading "Death and Life of the Great Lakes," by Dan Egan right now, and the first chapter has a great outline of the history of human interaction with this magnificent resource. In addition, through SEMIS place-based education coalition I have met an incredible historian who has researched and studied the true histories of the early people who lived around the Great Lakes before the Europeans arrived. There's also a lot to consider about, not just the past, but the future. You'll be hearing more as we get into it.

I'm working on report cards. Expect them to come home next Tuesday.


Bette Diem, Teacher