Dear Families,
We survived Halloween

. Thanks to all of the parents who sent in treats and came in to help with the parade and festivities.
I so enjoy I-Search presentations!
We've had students share what they've learned and show their expertise
about a wide array of topics, from the periodic table to the human body
to Halloween and Football, just to name a few. The presentations are
well done and the kids are proud to share their work. Thanks so much for
As I mentioned on Curriculum
Night the I-Searches are about process and love of learning. I've had
some questions about due dates. I see the "due dates" as training wheels, just to help the kids learn
how to have a target date. When they are older they may have
consequences for their grade, etc. Through I-Searches, they will have
learned how to handle it without pressure.
has done some literature lessons with the kids on Tall Tales and
writing Circle Stories. In math we are continuing with addition and
subtraction with 3rd grade and factors and multiples with fourth grade.
The kids are making acrostics with the math terms "Sum" and "Factors,"
to help them retain the meaning. These are terms I have noticed that
they learn in the moment, but cannot define later on, so we are trying
to get the meaning to stick by creating acrostics with them. Today we
are constructing line graphs with our Halloween Candy data.
of Reggie, next week is his last week with us. He has a job teaching in
Wayne-Westland already. Next Friday we will have a farewell party with
Here are some upcoming events:
Remember, next Tuesday- No School for Election Day.
Wednesday, Nov. 7
we have a UMS field trip to Hill auditorium to see Jake Shimabukuro, an
amazing virtuoso ukulele player. I have 3 tickets for chaperones.
Here's a link to his website.
Permission slips are coming home today.
am really excited to announce that I have arranged a field trip to take
the class with me to pick up the salmon eggs this year! We will be
traveling by charter bus to Wolf Lake Hatchery in Matatawan on
Friday, November 16.
We will still swim, then we will board the bus. We will tour the
hatchery and visitor's center. More details upcoming. Here's a link to
the visitor's center.,4570,7-350-79136_79236_80247_80504_82189---,00.html
Don't forget the time change this weekend.