Wednesday, February 7

Latest News for Bette's Class

Dear Families,
Here's a summary of upcoming events for the class:
Wednesday, February 7 is Global School Play Day
Global School Play Day is an international event raising awareness of the need for unstructured play. Here is a link to a TED talk by Dr. Peter Gray about the effects of the decline of unstructured play.
Students can bring anything they wish to play with to school on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. The only restrictions: they must bring toys and these toys may NOT require batteries or electricity. No devices.  Some ideas, since today's kids rarely play and often own very few toys: board games, dolls, Legos, blocks, trucks, cars, racetracks, playing cards, empty cardboard boxes, markers, jigsaw puzzles, blankets (for forts), social games (charades, Pictionary, etc.) We participated last year, and it was a wonderful, community building day.

Monday, February 12
is NAAPID (National African American Parent Involvement Day) which was initiated by AAPS teacher Joe Dulin. Our school plans to have Community Gatherings that morning. We are inviting parents or community members to join us in a discussion of how life has changed since their childhood.

February 16 and 19
are No School, giving us all a planned 4 day weekend.
February 28 is another Early Release Day.
Math- We just did some work with Tables and Line graphs, which the kids seem pretty good at. 3rd grade is working on multiplication and division and 4th grade is continuing to work on mastering long division.