Here’s the latest for Bette’s
- Angie Watson, our volunteer coordinator is asking me for the name for a “Class parent”. This parent would help coordinate information and events with the AAOCC. A contact is needed for the upcoming Silent Auction. Please let me know if you can take this role for our class.
- We have a field trip this Friday, October 13. This is an AAPS district Environmental Education trip. We will be going to Waterloo to study “Nature’s Recyclers,” looking for the organisms that transform organic matter into soil and nutrients. We will be studying mold, fungi and worms this week. Permission slips will come home tomorrow. Quick turn around is appreciated.
- Conferences begin this week. I have created an online signup sheet. Use this link to access the sheet if you want to see the time you signed up for, or the available times if you haven’t signed up yet. Student Goal Setting Conference sign up sheet.
- A parent goal setting sheet was provided at curriculum night and is also available on the blog. Let me know if you would like a paper copy sent home with your child. The students fill out a similar form in class on their own. We use these as a guide to set academic goals for each student.
- Thanks to the parents who chaperoned when we went to DeBucks! It was great having you. We had a lot of fun.
- Thanks to Rick Sansburn for creating a snack calendar for the class. You can access it on the blog. Actually, it started last week. You can still send in snacks at your convenience.
- Wednesday is Pajamas and Pancakes (for lunch) Day. Here’s a note from Jen Thomas, our Student Council facilitator: Next week is National School Lunch Week, and we (as a district) are celebrating with breakfast for lunch. As our part of this celebration, next Wednesday, October 11 will be Pajama Day at Ann Arbor Open.
- Salmon in the Classroom is a go!!! Last week we filled up the tank just outside the office and started the filter. Heidi is helping and we are including Edie’s class. Aina is helping also. She has found 7-8 students who will help us maintain the tank and lead small group activities with the younger children!